Our Blog

by Aug 4, 2023

Civil War Tour

Civil War Tour

Welcome to Hidden Treasures of Bluffton, where history comes alive through the wheels of our golf carts. If you're a history enthusiast, a lover of tales from the past, or simply someone curious about the footsteps that shaped the vibrant tapestry of Bluffton, South...

Colored Education Tour

Colored Education Tour

Greetings, curious minds and history aficionados! Welcome to Hidden Treasures of Bluffton, where our golf carts transform into time machines, guiding you through the remarkable journey of Bluffton's educational history. Get ready to be enlightened as we delve into the...

Historic Black Business Blogs

Here are blogs about Historically Black Owned businesses in Bluffton

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Bluffton History Blogs

Here are blogs about Historically Black Owned businesses in Bluffton

Civil War Tour

Welcome to Hidden Treasures of Bluffton, where history comes alive through the wheels of our golf carts. If you're a history enthusiast, a lover of tales from the past, or simply someone curious about the footsteps that shaped the vibrant tapestry of Bluffton, South...

Colored Education Tour

Greetings, curious minds and history aficionados! Welcome to Hidden Treasures of Bluffton, where our golf carts transform into time machines, guiding you through the remarkable journey of Bluffton's educational history. Get ready to be enlightened as we delve into the...

The Spirits of Old Town: The Story of Red Dot No. 452

Take a look into the family history of the JF Coburn Red Dot Package Store in Bluffton SC

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